Dr. K. Galil

Media Coverage of My Research on Cyanoacrylates

Global TV news anchor and co-host of the show “That is Life”

Ann Rohmer interviews Dr. Galil.

Interview of Dr. Galil by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)

by Mr. Don Haroon anchor.

Here is the mentioned finger of Dr. Galil which was accidentally cut during the research, he used surgicalglue to attach the cut parts.

Interview of Dr. Galil by Jay Ingram from

Quirks and Quarks. (CBC)

More from the Written Press

Canadian Family Physician

Canadian Family Physician

Canadian Family Physician

University of Western Ontario

University of Western Ontario

Detroit free press

Book of Chance

Health Care

Health Care

Journal of Canadian Dental Association

Journal of Canadian Dental Association

Journal of Canadian Dental Association

Kingston this week

Quebec Le Soleil

The London free press

The London free press

The London free press

Western News

CFPL Television news

Los Angeles Times

Al ahram Egypt

Al ahram Egypt

Montreal Gazzette

Readers Digest

Science Digest

Science Digest

Sherbrooke Record Quebec

Swedish Daily News

The Medical Post Toronto

The Star Toronto

Today Magazine

TV Times

University Affairs

Western News

Western News

List of Radio Interviews Given

Total all-time visits 3,176,791
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