Dr. Khadry A. Galil

Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology

Awards Received By Dr. K.Galil

Teaching awards:

International awards:

W.W. Wood Award for Excellence in Teaching and Leadership in Dental Education (Assoc. Can. Fac. Dentistry) 1998


University of Western Ontario Dental Student Society award:

Recipient of the U.W.O., D.S.S. Award for Excellence in Teaching, 1985


Title: The University of Western Ontario Student Council Teaching Award,


The University of Western Ontario Student Council Teaching Award, 1997,

The University of Western Ontario Student Council Teaching Award, 1998,

The University of Western Ontario Student Council Teaching Award,1999


Title: Award of Excellence, University Student Council Teaching Honour


Award of Excellence, University Student Council Teaching Honour--2002

Award of Excellence, University Student Council Teaching Honour--2003

Award of Excellence, University Student Council Teaching Honour--2004

Award of Excellence, University Student Council Teaching Honour--2005

Award of Excellence, University Student Council Teaching Honour-- 2006

Award of Excellence, University Student Council Teaching Honour--2007

Award of Excellence, University Student Council Teaching Honour-- 2008

Award of Excellence, University Student Council Teaching Honour--2008

Award of Excellence, University Student Council Teaching Honour--2009

Award of Excellence, University Student Council Teaching Honour--2010

Award of Excellence, University Student Council Teaching Honour--2011

Award of Excellence, University Student Council Teaching Honour--2012

Award of Excellence, University Student Council Teaching Honour--2013

Award of Excellence, University Student Council Teaching Honour--2014

Award of Excellence, University Student Council Teaching Honour--2015

Award of Excellence, University Student Council Teaching Honour--2016

Award of Excellence, University Student Council Teaching Honour--2017

Award of Excellence, University Student Council Teaching Honour--2018


Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Association award nomination (this is the Oscar of the teaching awards)

Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Association (O.C.U.F.A.) award NOMINATION -1977

Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Association (O.C.U.F.A.) award NOMINATION- 1980

Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Association (O.C.U.F.A.) award NOMINATION- 1981


Award listing in who is who. in the Frontiers of Science and Technology,


Listed in Who’s Who in the Frontiers of Science and Technology, 1984,

Listed in Who’s Who in the Frontiers of Science and Technology, 1985,

Listed in Who’s Who in the Frontiers of Science and Technology, 1986,


Award Listing as Who’s Who in the World,

Listed as Who’s Who in the World, 1985

Listed Who’s Who in the World, 1986


Listing in American Men & Women of Science 

Listed in American Men & Women of Science, 1986


Research Award:

Canadian Dental Research Award Foundation (for supervision of thesis, Dr. L. Chumak, Orthodontics), 1987

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