Dr. Galil - Professor of Medicine and Professor of Dentistry at Western University, London, Ontario, Canada.

Established in 1878, Western University has a long history of leadership in research that produces tangible, global impact on health, culture, environment and economies.

Of the 51 first researchers, starting with the Nobel prize winner Dr.Banting, Dr. Khadry Galil is recognized as #17.http://www.uwo.ca/research/51_firsts/


Professor of Medicine and Professor of Dentistry at Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry

Certified Periodontist, University of Michigan 

Royal college of Dental Surgeons of Ontario

Ph.D., University of Western Ontario

Fellowship of the Academy of Dentistry, International USA

Fellowship Academy of General Dentistry, USA 

D. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Alexandria University

DDS, Alexandria University


Applied clinical dental anatomical research

51 Firsts - Research Western

Dr. Galil has survived the curse of the mummy and is the only Canadian to have

X-rayed all of the Royal Egyptian Pharoahs

Dr. Galil is the only survivor of the Alexandria and Michigan Universities expedition, he was the co-director of the Research Project


University Student Council Teaching Honour Roll Award- 1997, 1998, 1999, 2002-03, 2004-05, 2006-07, 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2011-2012, 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018 including more than once obtained 100% in evaluation

W.W. Wood Award for Excellence in Teaching and Leadership in Dental Education (Assoc. of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry)

Canadian Dental Research Award Foundation

Recipient of the University of Western Ontario's D.S.S. Award for Excellence in Teaching

Twice nominated for OCUFA (Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations) Teaching award,


Graduate orthodontics applied head and neck anatomy (9636) (Course director)

Graduate Clinical anatomy (9562) Educational Techniques: Teaching Certificate (Course director)

Graduate clinical anatomy (9563).

Graduate Orthodontics (Biomechanics) (9521).

Graduate Orthodontics (9590).

Graduate Clinical anatomy course (9580) Project Course.

Graduate course  anatomy 9563 Current Topics in Clinical Anatomy

Under graduate oral histology – (5140)(Course director)

Under Graduate Head and Neck Anatomy course (5186)

Under graduate periodontal surgery (5325).Clinical relevancy sessions (Oral Histology ) in charge (5140)

Under graduate periodontal surgery (Internationally trained dentist) (5326)

Articles and abstracts: Total -136

Books contribution: 3


Oral research abstracts, 91

Thesis examination, advisory and supervision:  

Total #239

Current Thesis supervision:

General Title: bleeding during implant placement in the lingual mandibular area. By: S.Gill

General Title: mandibular, maxillary interradicular space measurements for mini screws implants by J. Yang

General Title: Orbital Fracture study by R.Joshi

Most recent thesis supervised title:

Title-An In-Vitro Comparison of Different Palatal Sites for Orthodontic Miniscrew Insertion: The Effect of Bone Quality and Quantity on Primary Stability. Dr .Carine Bourassa.2015.

Title: Development of an Online Tool for Periodontal Disease education By Sari Johnston 2015

Title: A Comparative assessment of Hard Palate thickness Using Micro-Ct and Gross cadaveric measurements: Implications for the Safe Placement of Orthodontics mini Screws By Jillian Philips 2015

Title:-A study of the mandibular incisive nerve and possible causes of altered sensation following maxillofacial surgery by Danielle Ivey, 2014.

Title: Danger –Zone of The Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve along the Iliac Crest: Implications for Anterior Iliac Crest Bone grafts By Jason Klemensberg 2014

Title: A comprehensive Analysis of Zygomatic Symmetry and Implications for Zygomatic Bone reconstruction By Alexandra Belcastro .2014

Title: Morphology of the temporomandibular joint Articular Disc: Provision of a Dimensional Model for Use in Bioengineering of prosthetic Construct By: Steven Holterman Ten Hove 2013

Title: Identifying The Greater Palatine Foramen and Land marking The greater Palatine Nerve through Ultrasound Imaging Technique By: Najmus Sahar Sayed Hafeeez MD, 2013

Title: An anatomical study of the alveolar process in the human maxilla and its relation to the maxillary sinus using micro CT: to facilitate successful dental implants. By Emily Israel M.Sc. 2011

Title: A3-dimensional morphology of the mandibular condyle in elderly patients using micro CT: Implications in clinical dentistry. By Andrew Palombella MSc.2011

Title: Determination of inferior alveolar nerve position via Anatomical dissection and micro CT .a view towards dental implants By Natalie Massey. MSc.2010

Most interesting Research I have done:

X-raying all the royal Egyptain Pharoahs


Senator. Univ of Western Ontario

Appointment and tenure - Dentistry 

Promotion and tenure - Dentistry.

President of IADR Ontario

Selection of the Director of faculty of Dentistry

Total all-time visits 3,185,587
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